Toys that Teach, Entertain and Give Kids Exercise

We are asked, “Are there any toys that can simultaneously help teach my kids and also give them physical exercise at the same time?” Educational games that have physical components are well grounded in multi-sensory learning theory, which suggests that as more relevant dimensions (sight, hearing, tactile, physical involvement) are added to a learning experience […]

Fun Toys That Also Give Physical Exercise to Kids

We are asked, “I’d like to encourage my youngster to move around more without suggesting to them, that they need exercise. What kind of toys do you have that are fun and encourage physical activity?” Kids who play with other kids tend to be more physically active than are children who do not have friends […]

Toys Connect Childhood Fitness and Thinking

We are asked, “Do you have any toys that encourage physical fitness. Not only can children get good exercise by playing with some of our toys, but the activities also help develop the physical connection between a child’s motor skills and their mind. Set of 44 Hollow Blocks from TAG Toys For example, products like […]